Implemented improved method for calculated uncertainties specific to all substances with direct link to the StormTac Database
Implemented improved method for calculated uncertainties specific to all substances with direct link to the StormTac Database
We have implemented to the StormTac Web an improved method that was presented in the scientifically reviewed article by Larm et al (2022) and which shows relative standard errors (%) and absolute errors (+/-) that are pollutant-specific from data from the database regarding concentrations for different land uses and regarding treatment effects for different types of treatment facilities. The article can be downloaded from: https://stormtac.com/admin/Uploads/A_Data-Driven_Approach_to_Stormwater_Quality_Analysis.pdf
A direct link to the data in the database has been created so that calculated uncertainties will change automatically with new pollutant data entered in the database.
A one-page memo can also be downloaded from https://www.stormtac.com/?page_id=145, that briefly describes the use of StormTac Web compared to other models and the work to reduce and quantify the uncertainties in the model.