We help companies and municipalities to work more efficient and to manage their environmental goals by using StormTac Web.
What can we help with?
• Calculation of pollutant concentrations and loads in stormwater and baseflow (groundwater and drainage water)• Design flow calculations, design of sewers, channels and ditches for flow transport.
• Design of flow detention facilities, hindering floods
• Suggestion and design of pollutant treatment facilities
• Maintenance programs (operating Instructions) for stormwater facilities
• Stormwater, base flow and recipient sampling programs
• Cost estimations for sampling and constructions of stormwater flow detention and treatment facilities
• Stormwater investigations for exploiting areas (detailed plans).
• Calculation of acceptable load and required treatment, water and mass balances for receiving waters.
The ambition is to always deliver high quality products. Due to extensive experience, broad knowledge and by using StormTac Web and other available tools, the work will be performed more efficiently and assist you with everything within stormwater and recipient impacts.
Due to extensive experience, broad knowledge and by using StormTac Web we do education to understand how to use StormTac Web more efficiently and project adapted guidance.
Education in e.g. design flows, flow detention against flooding, action plans (stormwater management plans), design of stormwater treatment facilities etc.Suggested content of the education (training):
• Theory regarding e.g. storm water quantity and quality calculations, criteria for treatment and design of transport, design of treatment and flow detention facilities, including StormTac Web news
• General use of the application
• Presentation of a case study of pollutant calculation, treatment, flow transport, flow detention and recipient impacts
• Application of a current project from the participants (cost effective!). The participants prepare and bring maps and data such as sub watershed areas per land use. The leader runs the project which is discussed regarding inputs and outputs (results).
The training can be held at the place of the participants or through e.g. Skype.
Free support is offered for short questions via email up to approx. 1 h per opportunity / project and up to approx. 10 – 40 h per year (depending on the number of concurrent users).
Otherwise, we refer to the Web Applications continuously updated help texts in the flowchart and guides, including tutorial.
The ambition is to respond within 1 day during weekdays (but more limited during holiday periods).
In addition to this free support, co-operation is offered in projects for an hourly agreed fee or project-oriented education at fixed prices (depending on the number of participants, location and effective training time) or through e.g. Skype.