Memo StormTac. The use of StormTac Web, data and uncertainties. June 2023.
StormTac (June, 2023).
Paper 2022_Methods for Calculation of Stormwater Treatment Required for Meeting Receiving Waters Quality: Application in a Case Study.
Published in “Sustainability” (2022).
Larm T. and Wahlsten A.
Paper 2022_A Data-Driven Approach to Stormwater Quality Analysis in Two Urban Catchments.
Published in “Sustainability” (2022).
Larm T., Wahlsten A., Marsalek J. & Viklander M.
Paper 2021_Uncertainty inherent to a conceptual model StormTac Web simulating urban runoff quantity, quality and control.
Published in “Urban Water Journal” (2021).
Wu J., Larm T., Wahlsten A., Marsalek J. & Viklander M.
Paper 2019_Measurement and conceptual modelling of retention of metals (Cu, Pb, Zn) in soils of three grass swales
Published in “Journal of Hydrology” (2019).
Gavrića S., Larm T., Österlund H., Marsalek J., Wahlsten A. & Viklander M.
Paper 2019_Applying the Parameter “Irreducible Concentration” in Modelling of Stormwater Treatment Facilities.
Published in “Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 13”, (2019) 469-476.
Larm T. and Wahlsten A., StormTac Corporation.
Paper 2018_Modelling different types of stormwater treatment facilities considering irreducible concentration.
Accepted paper, presented during the conference “11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling” (UDM), Palermo, Italy, Sept. 23-26, 2018.
Larm T. and Wahlsten A., StormTac Corporation.
Paper 2016_design criteria for biofilters, swales, grass, ditches and infiltration trenches.
Compilation of new design criteria and reduction efficiencies in StormTac Web.
Paper for presentation during the conference NovaTech in Lyon, France. Larm T and Alm H.
Paper 2013. Design criteria for stormwater facilities
Larm T. and Alm H. (2013). Revised design criteria for stormwater facilities to meet pollution reduction and flow control requirements, also considering predicted climate effects. Published in Water Practice and Technology.
Paper 2013. Watershed planning with StormTac
Larm T. and Pirard J. (2013). Using a planning tool and the software StormTac for the development of stormwater management plans. Unpublished paper. StormTac and Sweco Enviroment publication.
Paper 2011. Watershed managament – EU Water Directive
Larm T. and Pirard J. (2011). A planning tool & a working method when creating a stormwater management plan. Conference paper, Sustanable City, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
Memo 2011. General design criteria for wet ponds and wetlands
Larm T. (2011). General design critiera for wet ponds and wetlands for stormwater treatment. Memo Sweco.
Dissertation 2011. Modelling baseflow in StormTac
Arwidsson M. (2011). Modelling the importance of baseflow in the runoff and transport of pollution in stormwater ditches and stormwater pipes. Disseration, University of Manchester, UK.
Paper 2008. Design methods for stormwater treatment
Larm T. and Hallberg M. (2008). Design methods for stormwater treatment – site specific parameters. Conference paper, International conference on Urban Drainage, Edingburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008.
Paper 2005. Designing BMPs considering water quality criteria
Larm T. (2005) Design BMPs considering water quality criteria. Conference paper, 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-26 August 2005.
Paper 2003. StormTac recipient model
Larm T. (2003) An operative watershed management model for estimating existing and acceptable loads on waters and for the design of the corresponding required treatment facilities. Conference paper, International conference on Urban drainage and highway runoff in cold climate, Riksgränsen, Sweden, 2003.
Paper 2000_Stormwater quantity and quality in a multiple pond–wetland system: Flemingsbergsviken case study
Larm T. (2000). Published in “Ecological Engineering” (2000).
Doctoral thesis 2000. Watershed-based design of stormwater treatment facilities
Larm T. (2000). Watershed-based design of stormwater treatment facilities: model development and applications. Doctoral thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Paper 1999. A GIS planning tool for stormwater best mangement practices
Larm T. and Holmgren A. (1999). Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and Sweco International, VBB VIAK AB, Water Engineering & Environment, Stockholm, Sweden.
Paper 1999. Sources of pollutants discharging to Lake Trekanten, Stockholm
Malmqvist P-A, Larm T, Bennerstedt K and Wränghede A-K. (1999).