Updated typical concentrations for stormwater per land use, as a result of the updated database
After the extensive update of the database, in connection with it becoming Web-based and including complete references, a lot of data was added while some data was revised and new median values were calculated. The new filter function allowed a study of time trends. After this, we have worked to update the typical concentration values. This has previously been done for base flows and stormwater concentrations for roads as a function of traffic intensity, but this update concerns updated stormwater concentrations for all land uses for the following substances:
P N Pb Cu Zn Cd Cr Ni Hg SS oil PAH16 BaP AAy AAe FLU PHE PYR BaA CHR BahA
Changes have not been made to all of these substances for all land uses, but only where new data show a need for adjustment. Time trends have been taken into account and adjustments have been made to obtain reasonable data in comparison with similar land uses.
We continue with the work to update the typical concentrations for other substances.